1.1 Programming Language. 

  A computer is directed by a series of instructions called Computer Programs, which specify a sequence of operations to be performed. Special languages are needed to write instructions, which can be understood by a computer. Natural languages such as English are not simple enough and cannot be interpreted by the computer. In early days of computer development, the codes used called Machine Language, were purely numerical, i.e. every instruction had to be written as a sequence of numbers and it was these numbers which the computer interpreted. Furthermore each computer had its own machine code. Later, more sophisticated or high level languages, written in English letters, and using some simple mathematical notation, were developed. Examples of such high-level languages, include; FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, PASCAL, C, C++, and JAVA.

  Computers, however still only interprets their machine code, and special programms called compilers have to be provided to translate the high-level language into this machine code. 

1.2 C Programming. 

  C is a general purpose programming language. Just like any other high-level language it is used for solving problems through a computer. Before a problem is put on a computer for solution, several tasks have to be carried out. These tasks may include but not limited to: 

a.Identifying the problem variables and their nature.

b.Specifying the objectives and scope of the problem and its solution requirements 

c.Constructing the necessary mathematical models (if needed) to depict the different problem as accurate as possible. 

d.Writing the program. 

    Compiling the program The program written in C or any other high-level language is called the source program (or source code). The translated program in machine code, which is the one actually operated by the computer, is called the object program (or object code). The process of translation is called compiling the program or compilation. Important features of C include: 1.Shorter expressions 

2.Modern control flow 

3.Modern data structures and 

4.Rich set of operators 

   C programming was originally designed for and implemented on the UNIX Operating System but it is not tied to any hardware or system. It can run on IBM machines, IBM compatibles and other systems. Compilers exist for different kinds of machines.


1.Computer program.

  A computer program is a set of instruction that tells a computer exactly what to do. The instruction, might tell the computer to add up a set of numbers, or compare two numbers and make a decision based on the result of comparison.

2.Programming language.

 A programming language is an english-like language that you use to write your computer programs. There are many programming language, the most common ones are: o FORTRAN o COBOL o BASIC o Pascal o C o C++ o Java.  


  A compiler translates a computer program written in programming language into a form that a computer can execute. C is probably the most popular and widely used programming Language because it gives maximum control and efficiency to the programmer. Benefits you gain from learning C programming are:

 1.Be able to read and write code for the largest number of platforms (i.e. everything from micro controllers to nearly all modern operating systems)   

2.The jump to the object oriented (C++) language becomes much easier. C++ is an extension of C.  

3.Once you know C and C++ then Java can easily be learnt. Java is built upon C++. 

 1.3 The General form of a C program 

#include statements 

function name() 

 Statement sequence 

  The include statements are statements written at the top of your program to incorporate some standard library files which comes together with a C-compiler. 

  Function name() this is a name of a function. All C programs consist of one or several functions. 

  The opening brace “{” : This marks the beginning of statement sequence. 

  The close brace “}” : This represents the formal conclusion of the program. 

 Statement sequence: May be one or several sequence of statements representing actions to be taken. Real Problem Model Algorithm Programming Results Computation Compilation. 

1.4 Starting with C Let us consider the following program that prints out the line “This is my first C- program” save it as myfirstP 



 printf(“This is my first C - program”); 


 Compile the program then execute it. If the program is wrongly typed, either it will not compile successfully or it will not run. If this happens edit the program and correct the errors and then compile again. Program analysis The statement #include causes the file stdio.h to be read by the C compiler and be included in the program. It is one of the standard library files and contains information related to the printf() function. The statement main() is the main function. 

  All C programs must have a main function. The statement printf() allows you to send output to the screen. The character “;” is used as a statement terminator. It indicates the end of a statement. Every statement must be ended by a semicolon.  

1.6 Variables and Variable Types 

  Definition: A variable is a named memory location that may contain some value. A variable is an identifier that is used to represent some specified type of information within a designated portion of the program. In C a variable represents a single data Item that can be a numeric quantity or a character constant. The data item must be assigned to a variable at some point in the program. The data item can be accessed later by referring to the variable name. A given variable can be assigned different data items at various places within the program. The information represented by the variable can change during the execution of the program. However, the data type associated to the variable cannot change. Variable Declarations A declaration associates a group of variables with specific data type. All variables must be declared before they can appear in executable statements. A declaration consists of a data type followed by one or more variable names separated by a comma and ending with a semi-colon. 

  A C program may contain the following: int a, b, c; float root1, root2; Thus, a, b and c are declared to be integer variables and root1 and root2 are floating-point variables. 

  In C, all variables must be declared before they can be used. A variable declaration tells the compiler what type of variable is being used. C supports 5 different basic data types: DATA TYPE KEYWORD MIN RANGE 

i.Character data char -127 to 127 

ii.Signed whole numbers. int -32,767 to 32, 767 

iii.Floating-point numbers (real number) float Six digits of precise 

iv.Double precision floating-point number double Ten digits of precise 

v.Valueless void 

  Note: In C a variable declaration is treated as a statement and it must end with a semicolon (;). The programme may contain the following declarations: e.g. int x; Here the variable x is declared as an integer data type int y; Here the variable y is declared as an integer data type float z; Here the variable z is declared as a floating point value char ch; Here the variable ch is declared as a character data type double d; Here the variable d is declared as a double precision data type. 

 There are two places where variables are declared; inside a function, called local variable or outside the function, called global variable. 

 A local variable is known to and may be accessed by only the function in which it is declared. Local variables cease to exist once the function that created them is completed. They are recreated each time a function is executed or called. Local variables are sometimes called automatic variables.    

A global variable can be accessed by any function in the program. These variables can be accessed (i.e. known) by any function comprising the program. They are implemented by associating memory locations with variable names. They do not get recreated if the function is recalled. 

 C is case-sensitive; i.e. x and X are two completely different variables names 

 To assign the variables x and y some values, we write, x = 10; y = 20; 

 To assign the variable z and ch we write: z = 5.6; ch = 'N'; Note that z being a floating point variable is assigned a real number (i.e. floating point value 5.6, and ch being a character variable data type is assigned a single character 'N' enclosed in single quotes. 

 You can use printf() to display value of character integers and floating-point values. e.g. printf(“The answer is %d”, 20); where: %d is the format specifier for integer variable. %f is the format specifier for float variable. %c is the format specifier for character variable. Examples 1. This program declares a variable x as integer, assign it a value 10 and uses the printf() function to display the statement “The value of x is 10” (Save the program as OneInt) #include main() { int x; x = 10; printf(“The value of x is %d”,x); }7 2. OneInt is modified to include one variable (Save the program as MoreInt) The program declares a variables x and y as integers and assigns to them the values 10 and 2 respectively. It then uses the printf() function to display the statement “The value of x is 10” and the statement “The value of y is 2” #include main() { int x, y; x = 10; y = 2; printf(“The value of x is %d”,x); printf(“The value of y is %d”,y); } 3. This program declares two different variables, count as integer, and y as float. The two variables are assigned some values and hence displayed on a screen. (Save the program as var.c) #include main() { int count; char ch; float y; count = 12; y = 200.5; printf (“This is CNN\n”); printf(“with %d channels \n”, count); printf (“pay $ %f for free installation”, y); } Exercise 2 Q1. Modify MoreInt and add another printf() so that it prints the value of x and y on the same line. i.e. printf(“The value of x is %d and y is %d”,x, y); Q2. Write a program that declares one integer variable called num. Give this variable the value 100 and then, using one printf() statement, display the value on the screen as follows: 100 is the value of num. (Save the program as num) Q3. Write a program to display your name, age, gender, address and region. Use variables for your age and gender. (Save the program as mycv)8 1.7 Input Numbers from the Keyboard  There are several ways to input numeric values from the keyboard one of the easiest is to use another C‟s standard library functions called scanf() e.g. int num; scanf(“%d”, &num); where the “&” allows a function to place a value into one of its arguments. Exercise 3 Q1. Write a program that will compute the area of a rectangle given its dimensions. Let the program first prompts the user for the length and width of the rectangle and then display the area. (Save the program as rectangle_area) Q.2 Write a program that computes the area of a circle. Have the program prompt the user for each dimension (Save the program as Circle). Q.3 Write a program that computes the number of seconds in a year. (Save the program as year.c) Q.4 Write a program to compute the volume of a cylinder (Hint: use the mathematical model v = r 2 h). (Save the program as cylinder) 1.8 Comments Definition: A comment is a note to yourself (or others) that you put into your source code. Note: All comments are ignored by the compiler.  Comments are used primarily to document the meaning and purpose of your source code so that you can later remember the code.  In C, comments starts by the symbol /* and ended by the symbol */ e.g. / * This is a C comment */  Comments can extend over several lines. e.g. /* This program computes the area of a rectangle */9 2.0 FUNCTIONS  Functions are the building blocks of C or block of statements that performs a specific task. Most real world programs will contain many functions. Before we can use a function, we define a function prototype. 2.1 Function Prototype  A Function prototype declares four attributes associated with a function (i) The function name (ii) Its return type (iii) The number of its parameters (iv) The type of its parameters  A function prototype consists of a functions name, its return types and its parameter lists. Examples of a function prototype are: void myfunct(void); int func(void); void sum(int x, int y);  A function Prototypes provide several benefits: (i) They inform the compiler about the return type of a function (ii) They enable the compiler to report when the number of arguments passed to a function is not the same as the number of parameters declared by the function.  When you call a function, the compiler needs to know the type of data returned by that function. If you use a function that is not prototyped, then the compiler will simply assume that the returned value is an integer. 2.2 Function Definition Generally a function definition has this form: return-type, function-name(parameter declaration, if any) { declarations statements } In the function prototype void sum(int x, int y); void is the return type, sum is a function name and int x, int y are parameters.10  The only function that does not need a prototype is main() since it is predefined by the C language.  When a function is called, execution transfers to that function. When a function ends, execution resumes at the point in your program immediately following the call to the function.  The value that a called function computes may be returned to the calling function by using the return statement i.e. return expression;  A function need not return a value. A return statement with no expression causes control, but no useful value to be returned to the caller.  Since main is a function like any other, it may return a value to its caller, which is in effect the environment in which the program was executed.  A return value of zero implies normal termination. Non-zero values signal unusual or erroneous termination condition  The function prototype declaration int power(int m, int n); means that power is a function that expects two int arguments and returns an int. This declaration has to agree with the definition and uses of power.  Any function inside a program may call any other function within the same program  Traditionally, main() is not called by any other function.  Remember a function call is a statement, so a semicolon must terminate it. Examples Example 1 This program uses two functions, main() and funct1(). Also notice the usage of comments (Save the program as Hello.c) /* A program with two functions*/ #include void funct1(void); /* prototype for funct1() */ main() { printf(“Hello “); funct1(); /*calling funct1( ) */ printf(“This is a program involving two functions”); } void funct1(void) { printf(“World. ”) /*called function*/ }11 Note: This program will display: Hello world. This is a program involving two functions Example 2 /* A program that returns a value */ # include int funct(void); /*Function prototype*/ main( ) { int num; num = funct(); /* calling funct()*/ printf(“The number is %d”, num); } int funct(void) /* Called function */ { return 10; } Note: In this program, funct() returns an integer value to the calling main() function and 10 is assigned to num. 2.3 Function Arguments Definition: A functions argument is a value that is passed to the function when the function is called. A function in C can have from zero to several arguments. (The upper limit is determined by the compiler you are using, but the standard ANSI specifies that a function must be able to take at least 31 arguments). Examples 1. This program demonstrates the use of arguments and how to pass arguments to the called function. (Save the program as argument.c) #include void sum(int x,int y); /* The function sum() receives two integer values x and y */ main( ) { sum(2, 20); /* sending 2 and 20 to sum ( ) as values of x and y respectively */ sum(40, 5); } void sum(int x, int y) { printf(“%d\n”, x + y); }12 Note: When sum() is called, the value of each argument is copied into its marching parameter. In the first call sum(2,20), 2 is copied into x and 20 into y, in the second call sum(40,5), 40 is copied to x and 5 is copied to y. Exercise 4 Q.1 The moons gravity is about 17% of the Earths gravity. Write a program that allows you to enter your weight and computes your effective weight on the moon. You may use only one function, i.e. main() or you may add another function dedicated for computation) (save the program as gravity) Q.2 Write a program to convert temperatures from degrees Fahrenheit to degree centigrade [you may use the formula C = (5/9)(F – 32)]. Let the program prompts the user to input values of Fahrenheit, F from the key board. Use only one main functions main. (Save the program as degree) Q.3 Modify question two (Q2) above using another function, other than main, to do the conversion. (Save the program as degree_modified) Q4. Write a program with two functions; the first one is the main(). This will prompt the user to input radius of a sphere and the second one, myvol(), will calculate the volume of a sphere and return a value to main() that will print the result. (Save the program as Sphere_volume) Q.5 Write a program that displays the square of a number entered from the keyboard. The square number is computed using the function squared( ). (Save the program as square) Q.6 Challenge problem. The following program intends to use a function called convert(), which prompts the user for an amount in USD and convert the value into TSH, (Using an exchange rate of Tshs.2500/= per US dollar). It is then expected to return this value to main program so as to display the conversion. Examine the code and explain why it can‟t give the expected result. Rewrite the program so that it can work as expected. (Save the program as convert) #include float convert(void); main() { float USD, TSH; TSH = convert(); printf("USD %f = TSH %f",USD,TSH); } float convert()13 { float dollar; printf("Enter amount in USD: "); scanf("%f", &dollar); return dollar * 2500; } Re-write the code so that it can work properly More examples 1. To see how a function prototype can catch an error, try to compile this program (save it as vol.cpp) #include float volume(float S1, float S2, float S3); main () { float vol; vol = volume (20.5, 5.5, 10.5, 15.5); /*error*/ printf(“Volume = %f”, vol); } /*compute volume*/ float volume(float S1 float S2, float S3) { return S1*S2*S3; } Note: This program will not compile because the volume () function is declared as having only 3 parameters, but the program is attempting to call it with 4 parameters 2. Analyze the following program and state whether it is correct or not. If not state why? #include foat myfunc( float num); main() { printf(“%f”, myfunc(10.5); } float myfunc(float num); { return num * num; }14 Exercise 5 Q1. Write a program that uses a function called myvolume(), let the program compute the volume of a cylinder from the formula v = Ï€r2 h. Have the main() function sends the values of r and h to myvolume() which perform the calculation and return the result to main to be displayed (Save the program as cylinder) Q2. Write a program with two functions; the first one is the main( ). This will prompt the user to input radius of a sphere and the second one, myvol( ), will calculate the volume of a sphere and return a value to main( ) that will print the result. (The Volume of a sphere is given by: 4/3 * Ï€ * r3 ) (Save the program as SphereVolume) Q3. Challenge problem: Write a program, which uses convert.c) and Gravity as functions. (Save the program as combined)15 3.0 CHARACTER SET C uses Uppercase letters A to Z, the lowercase letters a to z, the digits 0 to 9, and certain special characters as building blocks to form basic program elements, e.g. constants, variables, operators and expressions The following are special characters ! * + \ “ < # ( = | { > „ ) ~ ; } / @ - [ : , ? & _ ] „ . (blank) C uses combination of these characters such as \b, \n, and \t to represent special conditions as shown below: Combination of characters Meaning. \b backspace \n new line \t Horizontal tab These character combinations are known as ESCAPE SEQUENCES 3.1 Identifiers Identifiers Identifies are names given to various program elements such as variables, function and arrays. Identifiers consist of letters and digits, in any order, except that the first character must be a letter. Lowercase and uppercase are permitted, though common usage favors the use of lowercase letters. Upper and lower case letters are not inter changeable (i.e. an uppercase is not equivalent to the corresponding lowercase) An underscore ( _ ) can also be included as it is considered to be a letter, and can take any position, even though commonly is used in the middle of an identifier. A character space is not used in identifier. Examples: The fallowing names are valid identifiers x, y1, dog_1, _temperature name, area, tax_rate, TABLE The following names are not valid identifiers for the reasons stated. 1_day the first character must be a letter “x” illegal character (“) Order-no illegal character (-) tax rate illegal character (blank space)16 An identifier can be arbitrary long up to 31 characters. It is good practice, however, to use at most 8 characters in an identifier. As a rule an identifies should contain enough characters so that its meaning is readily apparent. On the other hand excessive number of characters should be avoided. 3.2 Keywords Keywords in C are reserved words that have standard pre-defined meaning. Keywords are used for their intended purpose only, and can not be used as programmer-defined identifiers. Examples the standard keywords are: int long return do char float auto break case const continue default double else enum extern for if long short signed static switch void typedef unsigned Note that the keywords are all lowercase. 3.3 Constants The C programming language has four basic types of constants. These are: i) integer constants ii) floating point constants iii) character constants iv) string constants Integer and floating point constants represent numbers. They are both referred to as numeric-type constants The following rules apply to numeric-type constants. 1. Commas and blank spaces cannot be included within numeric type constants. 2. The constants can be preceded by minus (-) sign, (an operator that changes the sign of positive constant) 3. The value of constants cannot exceed the specified minimum and maximum bounds. (i) Integer Constants An integer constant is an integer-valued number; it consists of a sequence of digits and can be written in different number system. Decimal (base 10), Octal (base 8) and Hexadecimal (base 16). A decimal integer constant can consist of any combination of digits 0 through 9. If the constant contains two or more digits, the first digit must be something other than zero.17 Valid decimal integer constants are shown below: 0 1 743 5280 32767 9999 Invalid decimal integer constants with reasons stated: Invalid Integers Reasons 12,245 illegal character (,) 56.0 illegal character (.) 10 20 30 illegal character (blank space) 123-45-6789 illegal character (-) 0900 the first charter cannot be zero. (ii) Floating Point Constants A floating point constant is a base 10 number that contains either a decimal point or an exponent (or both). Valid floating-point constants are shown below: 0. 1. 0.2 827.602 50000. 0.000743 12.3 315.0066 2E-8 0.006e-3 1.6667E+8 .12121212e12 Invalid floating-point constants are shown below with reasons stated. Invalid Floating Point Constants Reasons 1 either a decimal point or an exponent must be present 1,000.00 illegal character (,) 2E+10.2 the exponent must be an integer quantity (it cannot contain decimal point) 3E 10 illegal character (blank Space) in the exponent The interpretation of a floating-point constant with exponent is essentially the same as for scientific notation except that the base 10 is replaced by E (or e). Thus 1.2 x 10 –3 would be written as 1.2E-3 or 1.2e – 3 and this is equivalent to 0.12e – 2 or 12e – 4 Example 1 The quantity 3 x 105 can be reprinted in C by any of the following floating-point constants: 300000. 3e5 3e +5 3E5 3.0e+5 .3e6 0.3E6 30E4 30.E+4 300e318 Example 2 The quantity 5.026 x 10-17 can be represented in C by any of the following floating-point constants: 5.026E-17 .5026e-16 50.26e-18 0.0005026E –13 (iii) Character Constants A character constant is a single character enclosed in apostrophes (single quotation marks) Examples of character constants are: „A‟, „X‟, „3‟, „A‟, „ ‟ Note that the last constant is a blank space enclosed in apostrophes. Example The following are character constants and their corresponding values as defined by the ASCII character set. Constant Value „A‟ 65 „X‟ 120 „5‟ 53 „$‟ 36 “ 32 3.4 Escape Sequences Escape sequence are characters that causes certain action to take place. In C these are usually a normal or special character preceded by a backslash (\). The commonly used escape sequences are: Character Escape Sequence ASCII Value New line \n (line feed) 010 Horizontal tab \t 009 Bell alert \a 007 Backspace \b 008 Vertical tabs \v 011 Form feed \f 012 Carriage return \r 013 Quotation mark (\“) 034 Question mark (\?) 063 Back slash (\”) 092 Null \0 00019 3.5 ASCII Character Set All personal computers make use of the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character set, in which each individual character is numerically encoded with its own unique 7-bit combination (Hence a total of 27 =128 different characters. The table 1 below contains the ASCII character set. Table 1: The ASCII Character Set ASCII Value Character ASCII Value Character ASCII Value Character ASCII Value Character 000 NUL 032 blank 064 @ 096 ` 001 SOH 033 ! 065 A 097 a 002 STX 034 “ 066 B 098 b 003 ETX 035 # 067 C 099 c 004 EOT 036 $ 068 D 100 d 005 ENO 037 % 069 E 101 e 006 ACK 038 & 070 F 102 f 007 BEL 039 „ 071 G 103 g 008 BS 040 ( 072 H 104 h 009 HT 041 ) 073 I 105 i 010 LF 042 * 074 J 106 j 011 VT 043 + 075 K 107 k 012 FF 044 „ 076 L 108 l 013 CR 045 - 077 M 119 m 014 SO 046 . 078 N 110 n 015 SI 047 / 079 O 111 o 016 DLE 048 0 080 P 112 p 017 DCI 049 1 081 Q 113 q 018 DC2 050 2 082 R 114 r 019 DC3 051 3 083 S 115 s 020 DC4 052 4 084 T 116 t 021 NAK 053 5 085 U 117 u 022 SYN 054 6 086 V 118 v 023 ETB 055 7 087 W 119 w 024 CAN 056 8 088 X 120 x 025 EM 057 9 089 Y 121 y 026 SUB 058 : 090 Z 122 z 027 ESC 059 ; 091 [ 123 { 028 FS 060 < 092 \ 124 | 02 GS 061 = 093 ] 125 } 030 RS 062 > 094 ↑ 126 ~ 031 US 063 ? 095 - 127 DEL Note: The first 32 characters and the last character are control characters; they cannot be printed.20 4.0 OPERATORS In C programming language we have five Arithmetic operators Operator Meaning + Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division % Modulus Note: The modulo operator (%) can be used with integer types only The modulus operator produces the remainder of an integer division e.g. 5 % 2 = 1 4 % 2 = 0 4.1 Relational and Logical Operators in C programming The C language contains a rich set of operators. The relational operators compare two values and return a true or false based upon the comparison of the result. The relational operators include the following: The Logical Operators connect together true/false results and these are:- Operator Action && AND || OR ! NOT Practical examples on usage of relational and logical operators are covered in the next chapter Operator Meaning > Greater than >= Greater than or equal < Less than <= Less than or equal = = Equal ! = Not equal21 4.2 Order of Precedence It is necessary to be careful of the meaning of such expressions as a + b * c We may want the effect as either (a + b) * C or a + (b * c) All operators have a priority. High priority operators are evaluated before lower priority ones. Operators of the same priority are evaluated from left to right, so that a - b - c is evaluated as ( a - b ) - c as you would expect. From high priority to low priority, the order for all C operators is as given in the table below: Operator Category Operators Associativity Unary operator - ++ -- ! size of (type) R  L Arithmetic multiply, divide and reminder * / % L  R Arithmetic add and subtract + - L  R Relational operators < <= > >= L  R Equality operators = = != L  R Logical AND && L  R Logical OR || L  R Assignment operator = += - = * = / = % = R  L The following operators have the following meanings22 Suppose that x, y and z are variables which have been assigned the value 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Then the expression x *= -2 * (y + z) / 3 Is equivalent to the expression x = (x * ( -2 * (y + z) / 3)) The expression will cause the value –9.33 to be assigned to x. Furthermore, the expression: x < 10 && 2 * y < z is interpreted as (x < 10) && ( ( 2 * y ) < z )) And will be evaluated to False, F. 4.3 Expressions and Statements (i) Expressions An expression represents a single data item, such as number or a character. The expression may consist of a single entity, such as a constant, a variable an array element or a reference to a function. An expression may also consist of a combination of such entities connected by one or more operators. Expression can also represent logical conditions that are either TRUE or FALSE. In C the conditions TRUE and FALSE are represented by the integer values 1 and 0, respectively.23 Examples of expression a + b x = y c = a + b c = = y x <= y ++i The first expression involves the use of additional operator (+) The second expression involves the assignment operator (=) The third expression combines the features of the first two expressions. In this case the value of the expression a + b is assigned to the variable c The fourth expression is the test of equality. Thus, the expression will have the valve 1 (TRUE) if the value of x is equal to the value of y. Otherwise, the expression will have the value 0 (FALSE). The last expression causes the value of the variable 1 to be increased by 1. The expression. ++i is thus equivalent to i = i +1 The operator + +i is called the Unary operator.24 (ii) Statements A statement causes a computer to carry some action. There are three different types of statements in C. i. Expression statement ii. Compound statement iii. Control statement An expression statement consists of an expression followed by a semi-colon. The execution of an expression statement causes the expression to be evaluated. Example of expression statement a = 3; c = a + b; ++i; printf(“Area = %f”, area); ; The statement consisting of a semicolon is called an empty or NULL statement. A compound statement consists of several individual statements enclosed within a pair of braces ({ }). The individual statements may themselves be expressions statements, compound statements or control statements. The compound statements provide capability for embedding statements within other statements. Unlike expression statements, a compound statement does not end within a semi-colon. Examples of a compound statement. { pi = 3.141593; circumference = 2 * pi * radius; area = pi * radius * radius; } This compound statement consists of three assignment-type expression statement, though it is considered a single entity within the program in which it appears. Note that compound statement does not end with a semicolon after the brace. Control statements are used to create special program features such as logical tests, loops and branches. Many control statement require that other statements embedded within them as shown in the example below:25 Example while (count < = n) { printf(“x = “); sanf(“%f”, & x); sum += x; ++count; } This statement consists of a compound statement, which in turn contains four expressions statements. The compound statement will continue to execute as long as long as the value of count does not exceed the value of n. 4.4 Symbolic Constants A symbolic constant is a name given to some numeric constant, or a character constant or string constant, or any other constants. Symbolic constant names are also known as constant identifiers. Pre-processor directive #define is used for defining symbolic constants. Syntax for Creating Symbolic Constants #define symbolic_constant_name value_of_the_constant Examples of Symbolic Constants #define PI 3.141592 #define GOLDENRATIO 1.6 #define MAX 500 Exercise 6 Q.1 Summarizes the rules for naming identifiers. Are upper case letters equivalent to lowercase letters? Q.2 What are the keywords in C? What restrictions apply for their use? Q.3 Name and describe the four basic data types in C? Q.5 Describe two different ways that floating-point constants can be described? Q.6 What is an expression? What are its components? Q.7 suppose a, b, and c are integer variables that have been assigned the values a = 8, b = 3 and c = -5. Determine the value of each of the following.26 (a) a + b + c (b) 2 * b + 3 + (a – c) (c) a / b (d) a % b (e) a * (c % b) (f)(a * c) % b (g) a / c (h) a % c (i) a * b / c Q. 8 A C Program contains the following expressions: int i = 8, j =5; float x = 0.005, y = -0.01; char c = „c‟, d = „d‟; Determine the value of each of the following expressions. Use the value initially assigned to the variables for each expression. a) x > = 0 b) (3 * i – 2 * j) % (2 * d – c) c) 2 * ( i/5 ) + (4 * (j – 3 )) % (i + j – 2 ) d) – (i + j) e) ++ i f) --j g) i < = j h) c > d i) c = = 99 j) (2 * x + y ) = = 0 k) 5 * ( i + j ) > „c‟ l) (2 * x + (y = = 0 ) m) (i > 0 ) && (j < 5 ) n) (i > 0 ) ¦¦ (j < 5 ) Q. 9 Given x = 1, y = 4, z = 2 Determine the following. x + y mod z * 5 – y Q. 10 Given x = 4; b = 6, c = 8 Deter Determine the value of the following: (a +b * c) < (4 * 6+ 8)27 Q. 13. Given x = TRUE y = TRUE z = FALSE Find the value of the following: (i) x && y (ii) (x && y) && z (iii) x && (y && z) (iv) x < y ¦¦ y > z (v) (x ¦¦ y) ¦¦ z Q. 14 A C program contains the following declarations: int i = 8, j =5, k; float x = 0.005, y = -0.01, z; char a, b, c = „c‟, d = „d‟; Determine the value of each of the following: (a) k = ( i + j) (b) z = k = x (c) i = j (d) k = (x + y) (e) i = j = 1.1 (f) k = c (g) z = i / j (h) i += 2 (i) i /= j (j) i %= j (k) y - = x (l) i += (j - 2 )28 5.0 PROGRAM CONTROL STATEMENTS 5.1 The “if … and if … else” Statements The if statement is one of C‟s selection or conditional statement. Its operation is governed by the outcome of a conditional test that evaluate to either true or false. Generally, the syntax of an if statement is: if( expression) statement; where expression is any expression and statement is any statement. Commonly the expression inside the if compares one value with another using a relational operator, such as >, < and = = (i.e. greater than, less than and equal operators respectively) e.g. if (10 > 9) printf(“This is true”); This statement will cause the message; “This is true” to be displayed when the expression evaluates true. e.g. if(5 > 9) printf(“This will not print”); In this statement “This will not print” will not be displayed, because the condition is false. The statement is therefore bypassed. If you have a series of statements, no matter all of which should be executed together or not depending on whether some condition is true, in this case you enclose them in braces: if( expression) { statement; statement; statement; } Examples 1. This program prompts the user to inter an integer number and uses the if conditional test to evaluate the number, (if positive or negative. The program then prints the result of valuation. Type, compile and execute the program. (Save the program as numsign)29 #include main() { int num; printf(“Enter an integer: “); scanf(“%d”, &num); if (num < 0) printf(“The number is negative.”); if (num > -1) printf(“The number is non-negative.”); } 2. This program converts meters to kilometers or kilometers to meters depending upon what the user requests. (Enter the program and save it as: metres) #include main () { float number, ans, sol; int choice; printf(“Enter a number for convention: “); scanf(“%f”,&number); printf(“MENU:\n\n”); printf(“1: meters to kilometers.\n”); printf(“2: kilometers to meters\n\n”); printf(“Enter choice: ”); scanf(“%d”, &choice); if (choice == 1) { ans = number/1000; printf (“%f km”, ans); } if (choice == 2) { sol = number * 1000; printf (“%f m”, sol); } } The addition of optionally else statement provides a two-way decision path. The ``else clause,'' is to be executed if the condition is not met. The statement look like this if (expression) Statement 1; else Statement 2;30 If the expression is true, then statement 1 or block of statements will execute and the else portion is skipped. However, if the expression is false, then statements 2 or block of statements (following the keyword else) will execute and statement 1 is bypassed. if(n > 0) average = sum / n; else { printf("Can't compute the average\n"); average = 0; } 3. Modify numsign.c program and delete the second if statement and write the program as follows: #include main( ) { int num; printf(“Enter an integer: “); scanf(“%d”, &num); if (num < 0) printf(“The number is negative.”); else printf(“The number is non-negative.”); } 4. This program prompts the user for two numbers, divides the first by the second and displays the result. However, division by zero is not allowed (in common language we say it is undefined, so the program uses an if and an else statement to prevent division by zero from occurring (Type the following program and save it as Else). #include main( ) { int num1,num2; printf(“enter first number: “); scanf(“%d”,&num1); printf(“Enter a second number: “); scanf(“%d”,&num2); if (num2 == 0) printf(“Cannot divide by zero\n”); else printf(“The Answer is: %d”, num1/num2); }31 Note: The target of an if statement need not only be a single statement. In C you can link two or more statements together. This is called a block of code or a code block and they are normally surrounded with the opening and closing curly braces. e.g. if (expression) { statement 1; statement 2; . . . statement N; } else { statement 1; statement 2; . . . statement N; } 5. This program is an improved version of metres.c program. Notice the use of code blocks. #include main ( ) { float num, ans, sol; int choice; printf(“MENU:\n\n“); printf("1: meters to kilometers.\n”); printf(“2: kilometers to meters. \n”); printf(“Enter choice: ”); scanf(“%d”, &choice); if (choice == 1) { printf(“Enter number of meters: ”); scanf(“%f”, &num); ans = num/1000; printf(“%f km”,ans); } else { Target/code block of an „if‟ statement. Target/code block of an else statement.32 printf(“Enter number of kilometres: ”); scanf(“%f”, &num); sol = num * 1000; printf(“ %f m”, sol); } } 5.2 Nested if Statements: It is possible to string together several if and else into what is sometimes called an if-elseif ladder or if-else-if staircase, or nested if statements. Its general form is: if (expression) statement; else if (expression) statement; else if (expression) statement; else statement; You can nest “if” at most 15 levels deep Examples 1. Open the operation.c and replace the last 3 if statement with: if (ch==‟A‟) printf(“%d”, a + b); else if (ch == „S‟) printf(“%d”, a - b); else if (ch == „M‟) printf(“%d”, a * b); else if (ch == „D‟ and b != 0) printf(“%d”, a/b); It's also possible to nest one if statement inside another. (For that matter, it's in general possible to nest any kind of statement or control flow construct within another.) For example, here is a little piece of code which decides roughly which quadrant of the compass you're walking into, based on an x value which is positive if you're walking east, and a y value which is positive if you're walking north: 33 if(x > 0) { if(y > 0) printf("Northeast.\n"); else printf("Southeast.\n"); } if(y < 0) printf("Northwest.\n"); else printf("Southwest.\n"); } When you have one an if statement (or loop) nested inside another, it's a very good idea to use explicit braces { }, as shown, to make it clear (both to you and to the compiler) how they're nested and which else goes with which if. It's also a good idea to indent the various levels, also as shown, to make the code more readable to humans. Why do both? You use indentation to make the code visually more readable to yourself and other humans, but the compiler doesn't pay attention to the indentation (since all white-space is essentially equivalent and is essentially ignored). Therefore, you also have to make sure that the punctuation is right. Here is an example of another common arrangement of if and else. Suppose we have a variable grade containing a student's numeric grade, and we want to print out the corresponding letter grade. Here is code that would do the job: if(marks >= 90) printf("A"); else if(marks >= 80) printf("B"); else if(marks >= 70) printf("C"); else if(marks >= 60) printf("D"); else printf("F"); What happens here is that exactly one of the five printf() calls is executed, depending on which of the conditions is true. Each condition is tested in turn, and if one is true, the corresponding statement is executed, and the rest are skipped. If none of the conditions is true, we fall through to the last one, printing ``F''. In the cascaded if/else/if/else/... chain, each else clause is another if statement. This may be more obvious at first if we reformat the example, including every set of braces and indenting each if statement relative to the previous one: if(grade >= 90) { printf("A"); } else {34 if(grade >= 80) { printf("B"); } else { if(grade >= 70) { printf("C"); } else { if(grade >= 60) { printf("D"); } else { printf("F"); } } } } By examining the code this way, it should be obvious that exactly one of the printf calls is executed, and that whenever one of the conditions is found true, the remaining conditions do not need to be checked and none of the later statements within the chain will be executed. But once you've convinced yourself of this and learned to recognize the idiom, it's generally preferable to arrange the statements as in the first example, without trying to indent each successive if statement one tabstop further out. 5.3 Reading Characters from the Keyboard using getchar()and getche() Function  C defines a function called getchar(), which returns a single character typed on the keyboard. When called, the function waits for a key to be pressed. After the character is typed you press the Enter key.  Another one is the getche() function which is similar to getchar() except that it does not require to press the Enter key. This function requires a header file called conio.h Example The following program uses a character input to obtain a menu selection, it then allows the user to add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers. (Save the program as operation.c)35 #include main( ) { int a, b; char ch; printf(“Do you want to:\n\n“); printf(“Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide?\n\n”); printf(“Enter your choice: A for Add, S for Subtract, M for Multiply, and D for Divide: ”); ch = getchar( ); printf(“Enter first no: ”); scanf(“%d”, &a); printf(“Enter second number: ”); scanf(“%d”, &b); if (ch == „A‟) printf(“%d”, a + b); if (ch == „S‟) printf(“%d”, a - b); if (ch == „M‟) printf(“%d”, a * b); if (ch == „D‟&& b!= 0) printf(“%d”, a/b); } Exercise 1. Replace the getchar() in Operation with the getche() and observe the differences. 5.4 The for Loop The for loop is one of C‟s three loop statements. (Other loops are the while and the do loops). The for loop is used to repeat a statement or block of statements a specified number of times. The general form of the for loop is for (initialization; conditional_test; increment) statement; Where the initialization is used to give an initial value to the loop-control variable. The conditional_test is used to test the loop control variable against a target value. If the conditional test evaluates true, the loop repeats, if it is false, the loop stops and the program execution picks up with the next line of code that follow the loop. The increment is used to increase (or decrease) the loop-control value by a certain amount. The expression for the increment is as follows:36 for (i = initial_i; i <= i_max; i = i + i_increment) { block of statements; } /* A program code that prints the first five Natural numbers */ num = 1; /* Initialize counter */ for (num <= 5) /* Termination check */ { printf("%d\n", num); num = num + 1;/* Increment counter */ } C provides a programming short-cut known as the for loop. The following code performs the same task as the code above, but using only two lines of code. /* Print the first five Natural numbers */ for(num = 1; num <= 5; num++) printf("%d\n", num); The expression num++ is called the unary operator, it is the same as num = num + 1 Examples 1. The following program uses a for loop to print the numbers 1 through 10 on the screen (Type the program and save it by the name tennum) #include main() { int num; for(num = 1; num < 11; num = num + 1) printf(“%d ”, num); printf(“The End. ”); } This program shall produce the following output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The End.37 Program analysis: The program works like this:  First, the loop control variable num is initialized to 1  Second, the Boolean expression num < 11 is evaluated; as long as it is true, the for loop begins running. After the number is printed, num is incremented by 1 and the conditional test is evaluated again.  Third, this process continues until num = 11. When this happens the for loop stops and the programme execution picks up next statement printf(“The end”) 2: This program computes the product and sum of the numbers from 1 to 5 (Type the program and save it as sum, then compile and run the program) #include main( ) { int num, sum, prod; sum = 0; prod = 1; for (num =1; num < 6; num++) /* num ++ is the same as */ { /* num = num + 1 */ sum = sum + num; prod = prod * num; } printf(“product and sum are: %d, %d”, prod, sum); }  A for loop can also run negatively e.g. for(num = 20; num > 0; num = num - 1) /* num-- */ Exercise 7 Q1. Write a program that asks for the sums of the numbers between 1 and 10. That is, it asks for 1 + 1 then 2 + 2 and so on. (Save the program as newsum) Q2. Write a program that prompts the user for an integer value. Next, using a for loop make it count down from this value to zero displaying each number on its own line. When it reaches zero have it sound the bell. (save the program as countd) (Hint: for a bell to sound use the following printf (“\a”) Q3. Create a program that prints the numbers from 17 to 60. (save the program as 17_ to_ 60)38 Q4. Write a program that prints the numbers between 30 and 100 that can be evenly divided by 3 (save the program as divby3) Q5. Write a program that prints even numbers between 10 and 99 (save the program as even) Q6. Write a program that prints the numbers 1 to 100 using 5 columns. Have each number separated from the next by a tab. (Save the program as 5col) More examples of the for loop The next segment calculates and prints even numbers using related natural numbers in the counter. Note that since more than one statement needs to be repeated, they are enclosed by curly brackets. If not bounded, only the first statement is repeated. Other statement after the first one are executed when the program exit the loop. /* Print the first five even numbers */ for(i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { num = i * 2; printf("%d\n", num); } Alternatively the same numbers can be printed by the following code: for (num = 2; num <= 10; num = num + 2) printf("%d\n", num); It is also possible to use a negative increment (i.e., decrement) using the “--" operator or an assignment statement. /* Print the first five odd Natural numbers backwards */ for(i = 5; i >= 1; i--) /* the operator “- - “ is equivalent to i = i –1 */ { /* it decrements the counter i by 1*/ num = i * 2 - 1; printf("%d\n", num); } for(num = 9; num >= 1; num = num - 2) printf("%d\n", num);39 5.5 Counted Repetition with the for Loop (Loop Iteration) When the same operation is to be done over and over again for a specified number of times the for loop is usually the preferred programming structure. In this case a for loop contains the statements that are to be repeated. These statements are enclosed by curly brackets, forming what is called a compound statement. A variable is used to keep track of which iteration of the loop is being done. This is known as the "loop control variable" and is given the name counter in this program, since we are having the computer counting the iterations. In the next example the program computes and prints the area of a triangle three times given dimensions. i.e. the same operations are performed three times, we will use the natural numbers from one (1) to three (3). #include /* standard I/O header file */ void main() { int b, h; /* base, height */ float A; /* Area */ int counter; /* Loop control variable */ printf("This program calculates and prints the areas of three triangles\n"); printf("one after another after you enter their dimensions.\n"); printf("When asked to type in a dimension and hit the ENTER key.\n"); printf("\n"); for(counter = 1; counter <= 3; counter++) { /* Inputting Data */ printf("Triangle #%d:\n", counter); printf("What is the length of the triangle's base? "); scanf("%d", &b); printf("What is the triangle's height? "); scanf("%d", &h); /* Calculation */ A = b * h / 2.0; /* Printing Results */ printf("\n"); printf("The area of a triangle with a base of %d units and\n", b); printf("a height of %d units is %.1f square units.\n", h, A); } /* End of for loop */ }40 Example A program that calculates the area of several circles .Save the program as circles.c #include /* Program to calculate the area of circles, using the for loop */ float process(float radius); main() { float radius, area; /* variable declaration */ int count, n; /* variable deceleration */ printf("How many circles? "); scanf("%d", &n); for (count = 1; count <= n; ++count) { { printf("\nCircle no. %d: Radius = ", count); scanf("%f", &radius); } if (radius < 0) area = 0; else area = process(radius); printf("Area = %f\n", area); } } float process(float r) /* function definition */ { float a, pi; /*local variable declaration */ pi = 3.14159; a = pi * r * r; return(a); } 5.6 The while Loop Another C loop statement is a while loop. It has this general form: while (expression) statement; (or block of statements)41 The while loop works by repeating its target as long as the expression is true. When it becomes false, the loop stops. The value of the expression is checked at the top of the loop. If the expression is false to begin with, the loop will not execute even once. The while loop continues to loop until the conditional expression becomes false. The condition is tested upon entering the loop. Any logical construction can be used in this context. A typical while loop may have the following statements: i = initial_i; while(i <= i_max) { ...block of statements... i = i + i_increment; } To a good extent the for loop discussed above can be used instead of while loop and still produce the same results with fewer statements. For instance the while loop structure given above may be re-written in the easier syntax of the for loop as follows: for(i = initial_i; i <= i_max; i = i + i_increment) { block of statements } Infinite loops are possible e.g. for(;;), but not too good for your computer budget! C permits you to write an infinite loop, and provides the break statement to ``breakout '' of the loop. For example, consider the following (admittedly not-so-clean) re-write of the previous loop: angle_degree = 0; while(angle_degree >= 0) { printf(“%d\n”, angle_degree); angle_deree = angle_degree + 60; } It can be noted easily that this code will execute indefinitely, forming what is called an infinite loop. Such a loop can be broken down by adding the “breakout” statement as shown below. angle_degree = 0; while (angle_degree >= 0) { printf("%d\n", angle_degree); angle_degree = angle_degree + 30; if (angle_degree == 360) break; } while loop for loop with fewer statements42 The conditional if simply asks whether angle_degree is equal to 360 or not; if yes, the loop is stopped. 5.7 The do while Loop Contrary to the while loop which test the termination condition at the top, the do while loop has the feature that the exit-condition check is built into the end of the loop. That is, it tests the condition at the bottom after making each pass through the loop body; and the body is always executed at least once. The syntax of the do while loop is: do statement while (expression); The statement is executed, then expression is executed. If it is it is evaluated true the statement is executed again, and so on. When expression becomes false, the loop terminates. The following code is an example of a do while loop and prints the first five natural numbers /* Print the first five Natural numbers */ num = 1; do { printf("%d\n", num); num = num + 1; } while (num <= 5); Before the loop begins, the counter called num is initialized to the first value desired. The loop itself consists of four lines: (1) The reserved word do to indicate the beginning, (2) A statement to print the value of num, (3) An assignment statement to increment the value of num by one, and (4) The reserved word while with a condition inside parentheses to indicate the end. After each iteration of the statements inside the loop, the condition is checked. If the condition is false, the loop is exited. Note: The statements inside the loop will always be executed at least once, because the condition is not checked until after the statements have been executed. 43 Examples 1. This program prints the numbers 1 to 5 using a do while loop. Save the program as 1to5.c #include main() { int I; I = 0; do { printf((“The value of I is now %d\n”, I); I = I + 1; } while I < 6); } 2. The do loop is especially useful when your program is waiting for some event to occur. This program waits for the user to type a letter q. (Save the program as doq.c) #include #include main() { char ch; do { ch = getche(); } while (ch != „q‟); printf(“Found a q”); } Exercise 8 Q1. Write a program that converts miles to kilometers using a “do while” loop, allow the user to repeat the conversion (one mile = 1.6093). Save the program as mile.c Q2. Write a program that displays the menu below and uses the “do while” loop to check for valid responses. Your program does not need to implement the actual function shown in the menu. Save the program as menu.c44 More examples on the “do while” loop 1. This program continues to loop until a letter “q” is entered at the keyboard. (Save the program as whileq.c) #include #include main() { char ch; ch = getche(); while(ch != 'q') ch = getche(); printf("\nFound the q"); } 2: Let us modify our degree.c so that it prints the conversion automatically (save the program as newdge.c) #include main( ) { int a;‟ a = 0; while (a <= 100) { for (a = 0; a <= 100; a += 10) { F = 9.0/5.0 * a + 32; printf (“%f degree C = %f degrees F\n”, a, F); } } }45 3. This program prints the numbers 1 to 5 using a do while loop. (Save the program as: 1to5.c) #include main() { int I; I = 0; do { printf(" The value of I is now %d\n", I); I=I+1; } while (I < 6); } 4. The do while loop is especially useful when your program is waiting for some event to occur. This program waits for the user to type a q. (save the program as doq.c) #include #include main() { char ch; do { ch = getche(); } while (ch != 'q'); printf("You have typed the q"); }46 5.8 The Switch Statement  While “if” is good for choosing between two alternatives, it quickly becomes cumbersome when several alternatives are needed.  Solution to this problem is the „switch‟ statement. The „switch‟ statement is C‟s multiple selection statement used to select one of several alternative paths in program execution. It tests whether an expression matches one of a number of constants integer values, and branches accordingly.  The general form of a switch statement is: switch(expression / value) { case constant expression: statement sequence; break; case constant expression: statement sequence; break; default: Statement sequence; Break; } How it works:  Each case is labeled by one or more integer-valued constant expression. A value is successively tested against a list of integer or character constants.  When a match is found, the statement sequence associated with that match is executed starting from that case. Execution continues until break is encountered.  The default statement sequence is performed if no matches are found. The „default‟ is optional. If all matches fail and default is absent, no action takes place.  Cases and default clauses can occur in any order.47 Examples 1. This program recognizes the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 and prints the name of the number you enter. (Save the file as switch.c) #include main() { int I; printf(“Enter a number between 1 & 4 inclusive: “); scanf(“%d”, &I); switch (I) { case 1: printf(“The number you entered is One”); break; case 2: printf(“The number you entered is Two”); break; Case 3: printf(“The number you entered is Three”); break; case 4: printf(“The number you entered is Four”); break; default: printf(“Unrecogniezed Input!”); } } Differences between “if” and “switch” statements „if‟ statement “switch” statements i) “if” conditional expression can be tested using relational or logical operators. ii) “if” works for any data type i) “switch” can only test for equality. ii) “switch” will work with only “int” or char types: you can‟t for example use floating-point numbers.48 2. The switch statement is often used to process menu commands. This program will add, subtract, multiply or divide two numbers. (Save the program as switch2.c) #include main() { int a, b; char ch; printf("***Menu***\n"); printf("1: Add\n"); printf("2: Subtract\n"); printf("3: Multiply\n"); printf("4: Divide\n"); do { printf("Enter A (for Add), S (for Subtract) "); printf("M (for Multiply) and D (for Divide)\n"); printf("Enter your Choice: "); ch = getchar(); } while (ch != 'A' && ch != 'S' && ch != 'M' && ch != 'D'); printf("\n\n"); printf("Enter first number: "); scanf("%d", &a); printf("Enter second number: "); scanf("%d", &b); switch (ch) { case 'A': printf("%d", a + b); break; case 'S': printf("%d", a - b); break; case 'M': printf ("%d", a * b); break; case 'D': if (b != 0) printf("%d", a/b); break; } }49 Exercise 9 Q. 1 Write a program that converts miles to kms using a „do‟ loop, allow the user to repeat the conversion (1 mile = 1.6093km). Save the program as mile. Q. 2 Write a program that displays the menu below and uses a do loop to check for valid responses (your program does not need to implement the actual function shown in the menu. Save the program as menu Q. 3 Write a program to calculate the area of a triangle, allowing only positive values to be entered for the base and height. Q. 4 (Challenge Problem) Write a program that computes the area of either a circle, rectangle or triangle using the if-else-if ladder. (Save the program as ifladder) Exercise 10 Q.1 Using switch–case statements write a program that compute the area of a circle, the area of a rectangle and the area of a triangle. Let the program prompt the user to enter dimensions, perform calculations and print the result on each case. Q.2 Write a C program to read a “float” number representing temperatures. Let your program define two functions convert_Fuhr() and convert_Cels(), whereby convert_Fuhr() converts degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius and convert_Cels() convert degree Celsius to Fahrenheit. Your main program should print the float equivalent temperature results such us: “100.0 DEGREES CELSIUS EQUALS 212.0 DEGREE FAHRENHEIT”. After the user has entered a number, let him have a choice of what conversion he want to perform. Q.3 Write a program that reads two “floating” point numbers representing the radius and height of a cylinder. Declare two functions that calculate the area and volume of a cylinder and let the program print out the area and volume for the given dimensions. Your output should take the form. The area of a cylinder of radius …cm and height …cm is … square cm. The volume of a cylinder of radius …cm and height …cm is … square cm. Also let your program print the error message “ERROR!! Negative values not permitted!!” In case the user enters negative values for radius or height. Q.4 Using the “switch” statement write a programme that recognizes the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Let the programme display the word TWO when the number two is entered, FOUR, when the number 4 is entered and so on. Let also the program display the statement UNRECOGNIZED INPUT!, when the number entered in not among the numbers mentioned above. 50 Exercise 11 1. When do you use the keyword return while defining a function? When do you not use the keyword return when defining a function? 2. Write a program in C that prints out the larger of two numbers entered from the keyboard. Use a function to do the actual comparison of the two numbers. Pass the two numbers to the function as arguments, and have the function return the answer. 3. Write a program in C that asks the user to input the length of two sides of the right-angled triangle. Make use of the built-in functions pow() and sqrt() to compute the length of hypotenuse using Pythagoras Theorem. 4. Write a C program that asks for a distance in meters and convert it to feet. 5. Write a C program that calls a function which returns a cube of a given number. 6. Write a programme to accept a decimal number and convert it to binary number

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